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標題: [報價] VOLKS●IMS全GK修改版●1/100 L.E.D.MIRAGE V3●透明版
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發表於 2016-11-4 05:10 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
VOLKS●IMS全GK修改版●1/100 L.E.D.MIRAGE V3●透明版

Really interested to get this one since it has the transparent armour, not the milky ones as the original IMS.
Anyone had experience purchasing from this site, or if anyone knoews there is something similar that is available in HK?
P.S. hope i am posting in the right forum, if this shouldn't be here please forgive me a move my post as necessary.

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發表於 2016-11-4 02:43 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
Why don't buy the old GK LED Mirage directly? The GK is better than IMS one.....

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發表於 2016-11-4 04:25 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
Really, in what ways? The ims seems more detailed.

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發表於 2016-11-4 09:06 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
If you like the IMS, buy it directly. It can still be found in some model shops. Don't bother to get the GK version of the IMS. Casting those thin injection kit bound to have lots of deformities.
If you want the transparent armor, get the old GK version.

Besides, this "GK IMS" is sold for TWD 7800 = HKD 1900. I rather get the original IMS injection kit which is around the same price.

[ 本帖最後由 Razia 於 2016-11-4 09:14 PM 編輯 ]

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發表於 2016-11-4 09:10 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
I think he want the clear armour, so he want to get this GK

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發表於 2016-11-5 10:58 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友 

原帖由 Ladios 於 2016-11-4 05:10 AM 發表
I think he want the clear armour, so he want to get this GK

You are totally right, i like the old gk armour, but the ims skeleton. I am actually not in HK, but will be back in March, anyone know how much the old kit costs? Anyone rrcast the ims armour in transparent in HK? Thanks alot! Sorry for not posting in Chinese, coz it takes me ages to enter Chinese.

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發表於 2016-11-6 02:14 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友 

原帖由 ahuman 於 2016-11-5 10:58 AM 發表

You are totally right, i like the old gk armour, but the ims skeleton. I am actually not in HK, but will be back in March, anyone know how much the old kit costs?  

I think the problem is not how much it cost, but rather, if you can find it or not. Since the release of IMS LED V3, there isn't much incentive for the GK company in HK to recast the old GK LED V3. If there is indeed a recast, it will likely cost around 2k. Incidentally, a mainland GK company is planing to recast it with a discount. See if you are interested.


Anyone rrcast the ims armour in transparent in HK?

I am not aware of any IMS amour recast by any company in HK. But seriously, the IMS is actually based on the old GK. And the skeleton of the old GK kit is already quite good. The IMS kit break the skeleton into many pieces, which is good for a injection kit. But for a GK kit, I can imagine it would be a nightmare to build.

You can check the following links for the photos of the old kit.


P.S. I actually own a IMS LED kit but not yet started working on it.

[ 本帖最後由 Razia 於 2016-11-6 02:19 AM 編輯 ]

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發表於 2016-11-6 02:24 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 

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發表於 2016-11-6 06:11 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
Thanks for the info Razia and Ladios. How is the quality of DreamCast?
And the milky white armour of the IMS is pretty much non transparent at all, right?

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發表於 2016-11-6 09:26 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
回復 #9 ahuman 的帖子

I don't have much experience on DreamCast.

As for the IMS, it is like 10-15% transparent. You can tell it is not solid white. You can see vaguely the color tone of the skeleton beneath it, but you would not be able to see any details.

You can check this photo I found on the web. The right one is the GK version and the left one is the IMS version.

[ 本帖最後由 Razia 於 2016-11-6 10:08 PM 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

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發表於 2016-11-7 05:01 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
Thanks for all the info, what about SMS? anyone know about their quality?

I am coming back to HK in March so I asked DreamCast if I can order now and pick up them, they rejected it....

Rank: 2

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發表於 2016-11-7 06:39 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 

Rank: 1

UID 6180
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發表於 2016-11-9 02:04 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
Thx for all the info and suggestions Bros! You guys are just so nice and resourceful!


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