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標題: [gundam] MG Hi-nu ver. 0st ( working in progress )
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UID 4049
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註冊 2005-8-27
來自 马来西亚
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發表於 2007-10-22 08:16 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友  添加 zero1st 為MSN好友 通過MSN和 zero1st 交談
MG Hi-nu ver. 0st ( working in progress )

copy form Zero-G forum since that forum has close down it's registration  ....
some pic will be blur cause of using handphone camera ..... so sorry in advance

mainly the concept of this time is to totally reshape and re-detail it in to the old hi-nu design with a litter twist of Ver. 0st in it

detail wont be added until 90% of the reshape are done ..... dun wan to make things messy .... some of the part will be plain for now ...

here goes


basically remove some part at it's lower jaw to remove the long face and enlarging the back of the head....
i also enlarge the Vulcan on it's head...

upper body

buffing up the center chest and the side chest


i also enlarge the left shoulder... doing the same thing to the right one ...

some mobility mod
i know that the hi-nu mobility is very good but still some part i still unsatisfied with it  ...

the neck

i replace the original pe part with one which has a round hole part.... then i increase the neck by 2 mm so the head moving area is bigger .... also replace the neck connector with pla rod ...


lower body

replace the side armor connector so it can be like this....

upper body

remove some piece at the belly so the body can event bend more .... the original bend angle was totally a joke....

sb a part from 3 1mm pla plate.... this part is for this ......


if u look at the original leg it is not bend strange... so i remove some part in the knee to let it bend in front more abit  ......

upper body

reshape and thinned abit at the waist

side chest piece

separated the chest vent from the body piece .... also added 2mm wider at the vent

thicken the side .... the result ....

middle chest piece

increased is hight of the side collar armor and remove the back collar armor

reshape to make some thing layer armor like ....


sb a ring like part from 2 mm pla plate ..... for this ...

the reson for making this part is .... since the side chest is been thicken so the shoulder are partically unable t move front and back any more ... so to able the shoulder to be movable again i have to make a space at the joint

lower body

increase the length of the front skirt armor

also increase the hight of the crotch armor

over all


as u can see here for easier increase of length i glue up the blue and white part together mean while i till wanna have some armor splinting going on ..... the hole will be cover up soon ....


right arm

cut off half the upper armer and added 1 mm pla plate at both side ....
2 reason i did this .... the lower arm is too big and i wanted to show something on the skel frame ...... but probably the skel frame wont be just a plain steel color .....


left arm

same thing done with the right arm .....

[ 本帖最後由 zero1st 於 2007-10-22 08:20 PM 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

UID 4049
精華 1
積分 7
帖子 30
成品數目 7 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2005-8-27
來自 马来西亚
狀態 離線
發表於 2007-10-22 08:17 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友  添加 zero1st 為MSN好友 通過MSN和 zero1st 交談


i widen up the area of the polly cap for more mobility

increase the front tip of the foot by 3 mm and the side added 0-5 mm pla plate for reinforce cause i sanded away too much at the side

separate it in to 2 piece for easy sanding the tip part was sanded away about 1mm at the side ...... and the top part both side added 1mm pla plate


the blue part was added 3 mm of pla plate .... the white part has added a claw like thing at it back sb by 2 1mm pla plate

every thing put together .....

current result


glue up both part together for easy moding .... the front added 3mm pla plate and the top added 2 mm pla plate


side leg armor

same ....glue up both part then added 2 mm pla plate at the side and 1 mm pla plate at the front and back.... also i open up the the armor at the back to let the skel frame expose out


front leg armor

cut out about 4 mm at the bottom then thicken over all with 1 mm pla plate ..... the reason i added the wing like thing at the side is actually to hide away the connector at the ankle ... since hi-nu dun have an ankle armor  


leg booster

the 1 at the right side is what remain on the back leg armor   .... the 1 on the left is the booster .... just sanded the shape


the whole leg overall

here is the current overall view ...... basically the major reshaping is done doing some minor shaping ........ also added some stuff but will explain more later on what i have did .... or u guys can try spot it out


added some cover like thing at the back of the collar for hide the back of the neck ...

added 2 piece of plate at the lower vent ......both this and the back collar is wanted to make it similar to zeta ..... reason for this is connected at the finishing ... if the plan dun go wrong la ......  



lengthen the inner frame of the shoulder to match the enlarge shoulder armor

added some inner detail on the shoulder armor ....

the result

left arm

since the arm design is to plain so i added back some of the armor at the wrist  also thicken it at the same time

added a piece of pla plate at the side  .... making it some muscular look

also thicken the cover piece of the arm light saber



i remove the original connector and added a yellow submarine ball join

the other connector for the arm

how it looks like when attach to the arm

shield attaching to the arm .....

the shield while the arm 非正版ng

the shield 非正版ng inward and outward

the back of the connector

although the shield seem a bit off back but thats doesn't matter .....  the shield attach on the back of the arm look really strange normal shield should be at the side of the arm .... thats what important

right arm

reshape the gun at the arm .... change the round barrel to a square look

enlarge the ammo storage

added some detail on the tip

Rank: 1

UID 4049
精華 1
積分 7
帖子 30
成品數目 7 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2005-8-27
來自 马来西亚
狀態 離線
發表於 2007-10-22 08:18 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友  添加 zero1st 為MSN好友 通過MSN和 zero1st 交談

front skirt armor

added thicker at the side


added some detail at the inner piece of the side leg armor


also added some detail at the back of the  front leg armor

back booster

found a bigger booster .... just saw out the top and insert the original booster at the bottom


over all look of the kit

with shield attach on

fuel tank

change the whole shape form round to square since the over all kit has turn in to bulky shape more matching  

stabilizer ( dunno what to call )

since i wanna maintain the triangle shape of the original and add in the old style hi-nu stabilizer ...... this is what i've done ........

combine both !!!!
the tip are movable by using connector parts  ......

not yet done just the basic shape  

the wing

sand out the round parts at the top

also i've change and angle of the wing .......

as u can see the 2 pic above ..... the 1st one is the moded angle wing .... i lower it more ..... the bottom 1 is from dalong webside the original wing which havent mod

the result ..... to able the wing to be "keep in" not always spreading

wing close

wing open

the over all of the back pack .....


errrr .... nothing much to said .... just added pla plate and more pla plate


also nothing much change just added back the tiny piece i sand away on the top of the head and add a panel line at the back


added some detail inside  and enlarge the bottom booster

in the early post i've said i added in some shape of zeta is to match the logo .... example taken from eday's zeta .... i didnt want to left out the right shoulder blank so i added a unicorn at the right ..... also that should be the original logo for hi-nu

pic of the both shoulder

the back


right arm

didt added much detail at the front since the skel part is full of line's

left arm

same with the left arm

overall upper body

lower body

didt add detail at the back cause the back will be cover by the back pack and the original detailing is enuf


not much to said here also .... just concentra on the lower knee added a vent there like most seed gundam ....... added detail on the lower leg ..... enlarge the back leg booster cause the original 1 is way too small

overall lower body

back pack


added bit of detail

fuel tank

change the direction of the booster


just added the small wing at the tip

Rank: 1

UID 4049
精華 1
積分 7
帖子 30
成品數目 7 件
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2005-8-27
來自 马来西亚
狀態 離線
發表於 2007-10-22 08:19 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友  添加 zero1st 為MSN好友 通過MSN和 zero1st 交談

change the shape on the front part to match the new barrel tip also enlarge the ammo storage and the tube thing

still look bit funny ..... but no idea liao ......at lease the tip change enuf liao la  :D


i've glue and sand up all the parts on the shield since i dun wan the camo effect ... re added the detail also since im not gonna use the original dry decal and the logo is too small i've made a logo myself .... this time i've use 0.5 mm pla plate for the logo so that im able to added a bit of 3D on the edge so the thing doesn't looks flat dead


not much over all pic here since the pic quality damm bad   

the color theme this time gonna go white and red ...... but gonna follow bit of amuro zeta style ....

color theme

changes will be done if necessary

here's the base ..... nothing fancy just though that for matching the logo i made the base have just a single "A" so added the unicorn in   :D

but since it will be expensive if use pla plate or bondite to make the big unicorn .... so i've use a cheaper stuff which is mounting board .... glued 5 piece together .... dun wan to make to thick scare late cutting nightmare  :sweat: .... so here is what it's look like....

i've cover it with a layer of putty for more smoother surface (sanding it later)

finish abing the 2 main color which is the inner frame and basic white

the current stage im on hold

the inner frame .....  trying something here .... added steel and light grey color .... the purpose here is i'm bit board of looking at inner frame which just using metal base and the armor using a flat ...... so i colored the inner frame with a flat color added a tiny bit of metal .... trying to harmonies the inner frame and the armor ....

hope u guys understand what i mean ba .....  

masking hell  

almost done here just left decaling and final top coat ..... next moving on to color the base

done decaling can finally topcoat it and assemble the whole thing ...... next the base !!!


the base

finally finish posting every thing
hope u guys enjoy

Rank: 1

UID 8138
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註冊 2006-2-7
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發表於 2007-10-22 08:23 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 

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raymondshe (新手上路)
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I will now recap in English...

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how long have u make?

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發表於 2007-10-22 11:48 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
it is a well documented piece of work. 珍藏區?

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長期爛尾 ><

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great work

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your are so great big big.

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  how can u do that

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